Add Encumbrances on a Contract

To Add Pre-Encumbered Funds on a Contract:

  • Double click on the pre-encumbrance listing in Future Encumbrances.
  • Choose the applicable option.
  • Press OK.
  • You will see the encumbrance added to Open Encumbrances.
Result- Open Encumbrances

Important Information:

*Account numbers can ONLY be used once a year to encumber funds to a contract!*

If needed, adjust a listing using the Post Adjustment button.

DO NOT enter another listing with the same account number and year.

  • Check the Only allow purchases on Pre-Encumbrances box to restrict the amount Purchase Orders can be written for, to the current year contract encumbrance.
  • Writing a purchase order against a contract will increase the Ordered LTD amount on the contract.
  • Use the drop-down menu to assign a DEPT/WORKFLOW for the contract, if applicable.
  • You can add attachments and alerts to the contract (at the top of page), once it has been saved.
  • Funds can be encumbered on a contract for all of the years covered in the contract.

Additional Guides: