FAS: Mapping accounts/codes that come from outside sources.
Category: Fund Accounting
Create a Budget Journal Entry
FAS: How to Create a Budget Journal Entry.
FAS Site Administrator
Tutorials specifically for Site Administrators
Change Log Report
FAS: Shows a log of Changes or Overrides in the system.
Mail-Merge Vendors
FAS: A guide to print a Vendor’s envelopes.
Close Out Entry Report
FAS: A guide to print the Close-Out Entry Report.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
FAS: Fund Accounting Full Client FAQs.
Requisition and PO List Report
FAS: A guide to run a requisition list or PO list report, including open, rejected, and paid filters.
Add Encumbrances on a Contract
FAS: A guide to add an encumbrance on a contract.
Default Cash Accounts
FAS: A guide to set, view, and edit Default Cash Accounts.
Create a Cash Receipt Entry
FAS: A guide to creating a cash receipt entry.
Import a Budget from Excel Worksheet
FAS: A guide to Import a Budget from an Excel Worksheet
Automatically Email Purchase Orders
FAS: A guide to set up automatically emailing POs to vendors.
1099 Printing and e-Filing
FAS: A guide to 1099 electronic filing.
Opening a New Contract
FAS: A guide to open a new contract.