Editing Site Information & Policies


PO BLANKETS: BLOCK WEB PDF:Will disable the PDF button on Blanket POs on the Web Requisition System.
PO BLANKETS: SKIP ISSUE:Will not inform user of issue on Blanket PO.
PO: EMAIL ON ISSUE:Enable Emailing POs when issued.
PO: ALLOW CROSS FUND PO:Allow POs with mixed funds.
PO: ALLOW JUMP APPROVAL:Allow Users in the full system to JUMP a Req up over a department head or supervisor.
PO: ALLOW NON-EXPEND ON PO:Allow PO With Non-Expenditure Accounts.
PO: ALLOW PO ACCT CHANGE:Allow Account Numbers on paid lines to be changed to a different Account.
PO: ALLOW PO FUND CHANGE:Allow Account Numbers on paid lines to be changed to a different fund.
PO: CERTIFY AT PO AGENT LEVEL:Certify Requisitions as PO when PO Agent Approves them. CFO level is skipped. (User must have Approve PO rights.)
PO: CONTRACT TRACK METHOD:ON=Track Contracts when the contract # matches, Strict=Limit Contract Numbers to valid contracts, OFF = do not use.
PO: DEFAULT BILL TO:Default Bill To address number from ship table (-1 = none)
PO: INCREASE PO THRESHOLD:The amount a FINANCE user can increase an approved PO without an override. Does not apply to department users.
PO: ISSUE/PRINT RELEASE ORDERS:After release orders are approved, do they go to the issue Queue.
PO: LINES PER PO:Max Lines that will fit on one Printed PO (17-22) might require MSI help
PO: NUMBER OF QUOTES:The number of Quotes required
PO: OE CHECK AT PO AGENT:Check Budget again at PO Agent level approval.
PO: P2P WARNING:Threshold to show p2p warning: Enc.365 days+Pending Req
PO: PRINT ACCOUNT DESC:Print the Account Title’s on POs.
PO: PRINT INVOICE ON PO:Print Invoice Numbers on POs.
PO: PRINT DESC LENGTH PER LINE:Max characters that will fit on one description line of a PO.
PO: QUOTE THRESHOLD:If set the system will only warn when quotes are needed, unless ‘Require Quotes’ is also set.
PO: REPEAT SAME ACC NUM:Repeat print the account number on PO even if same as prev. line.
PO: REQUIRE QUOTES:If set the specified number of quotes MUST be entered for approval without an over-ride.
PO: SKIP OE CHECKS AT REQ:In full client, uncheck to prevent OE checking at req time (check at approval only).
PO: USE COMMODITY CODE:Enable Commodity Codes on PO/Reqs.
PO: USE INVOICE TRACKING:Track Invoice Numbers for Vendors. This warns you if you try to pay the same invoice twice.
PO: VOID BACK TO PO:Should Void Checks Re-encumber on original PO?