To Create the Bills List:
- Click Checks on the top menu bar.
- Select Pending Checks/Create Bills List.
- Select the checking account from the drop-down menu.
- Select the checks individually or use the Selection Options on the lower left.
– select all items
– clear all selections.
– select each item
– Toggle First: When there are more checks than you can print in a single check run. Enter the number of checks to print then click Apply.
- Click Create Bills List from selected checks.
- Confirm the printing of the bills list.
- Select the Method.
- Select any Other Options that are applicable to the report.
- Verify the starting check number; you can also check Do not print check #’s on the report.
- (Optional) Complete the Meeting Information.
- To Add a Custom Trailer to the ending of the Bills List (such as signature lines), check the box and click Edit.
- A text editor will generate.
- Edit the trailer as needed.
- (Optional) Copy and paste from another application, such as word.
- The trailer will be displayed at the bottom of the Bills List when printed.
- Click Save & Close when complete.
- Click Add Previous Disbursements (manual checks or transfers) to select any prior unlisted transactions on the report.
- Select a Previous Disbursement from the left, then click the right arrow button.
- To remove a listing from the Include on Report list, select the listing and then click the left arrow button.
- Select any options.
- Click Finished. You will return to the bills list.
- When Form is completed, Click Print and Save. The List will display in a new tab.
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