IMPORTANT: When creating a batch of journal entries from an Excel spreadsheet you need to set the system date to the entry date before you begin.
- Click the Journal tab and select Import Entry Batch From Excel.
- The Import Receipts/Disbursements Batch dialog screen will appear.
- Indicate the Batch Type in the upper left corner of the dialog box.
- In the Select Excel File/CSV File to Import section, browse for the file by clicking the button, or type in the location and filename in the textbox.
- Enter the sheet to import or click the drop-down menu to choose from the Select sheet containing batch entries list.
- Indicate the row on the spreadsheet where the entry starts.
- Assign the appropriate columns in the boxes provided for Vendor Number or SSN/EID, Vendor Name, Description, Account(Non Cash), Amount, Cash Account, Check#, and Contract.
- Click on Next – the Approve Batch Entries dialog box will open.
- Place a in the boxes next to the lines to be entered.
- Check the entries for accuracy, then click Import Checked.
- When the Confirm dialog opens click Yes to import the entries.
- Enter the general description for the batch of entries in the Description dialog box and click OK.
- The next box will tell you that the entries have been posted. Click OK to continue.
- Don’t forget to reset your default date to the current date.**
- To review your entries you can run the Journal Report for the date and type of entry you imported.