How to use the subsequent interest calculation work sheet and one step lien posting:
1. Print a vendor worksheet
Bring up a block and lot that has a lien on it for a particular vendor.
Next go in to a lien record, in this example you can open the subsequent in 18 “L” or the Original Certificate in 17, “9”, “17”, “L”.
We will use the subsequent in 18
From the action line select “I=Create List of Subs for lien holder”.
To display a full list of actions on the action line just press <enter> .
Next enter the date you want interest calculated to, we will use 11/27/18.
The system will calculate interest for, Tax, Utility*, Municipal Charges and Special Improvement Districts. \
(* 4 equal installments and MSI’s Full Utility Billing System)
Sample print out from “I” Interest calculation for lien holders.
You can send this to the lien holder and either have them send you separate checks or one check with their affidavits depending on how your municipality is set up.