The Capital Ordinance Project Module stores additional information that can be linked to different Capital Project accounts. It does no accounting entries itself but acts as place to track a complete overview of an ordinance. When completely maintained it can print a funded/unfunded report.
Creating a Capital Ordinance Project
- Click Chart of Accounts then select Capital Ordinance Tracking.
- Click Create New.
- To add an Expense or Receivable Account, select the question mark to the right of the line.
- To remove an account or line, select the X next to the account number.
- Entries in the Other Funding Notes section will appear on the Capital Ordinance activity report.
- The View Activity Report button will open the Account Transaction Activity report for the listed account.
- It will let you know if the ordinance is Funded or Unfunded, in either red or green.
- To add Bonds/Amendments & Other Info select Add Line, in the bottom left corner of the window.
- If there is an item under Bonds/Amendments & Other Info you wish to delete, select the bond/amendment in the space provided and click Delete Selected.
Note: Changes made on that screen DO NOT post to your books. You must make the appropriate journal entries.
- Click Save.
- Click Print Report to see the activity on the capital ordinance.
- When you select Print Report the following window will open showing a similar report.
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