Create a New Requisition

  • Click New Requisition.
Click on any field to make an entry there. Use the tab key to move to the next field.
  • Select a work flow for the requisition by using the drop-down menu.
  • Select a vendor by clicking the magnifying glass.
    • Choose the vendor Type.
    • Enter the first few characters of the vendors name, or number – a list of vendors will appear.
If the vendor is not on the list, enter the new vendor information in the “Notes:” area. A W-9 and BRC are required. Call Municipal-Software if you are unsure.
  • Click Select on the applicable vendor.
  • Start entering the account number; a list of available accounts will appear.
  • Enter the commodity code, the quantity, unit, description, and amount.
  • When finished, click Save/Submit or Save as Draft (top of the page).

Requisition Page Details

The Ship To tab opens the shipping address drop-down list.

The Information section allows you to input the Project #, Contract #, and select options for the requisition. Once the requisition has been saved you can attach quotes and add other documents.

Enter the Description in the box above the account information.