- To edit a drawer, select the Settings tab and click the Edit Drawer(s) icon.
- User Signs Into “Drawers”.
- Drawers contain “Batches” or Deposits. Each Drawer’s batches are independent of another Drawer’s batches.
- Only one Batch per Drawer can be active.
- Batches can either be Active, Suspended, or Closed.
- When a batch is closed, a deposit slip is generated, and Entries (if configured) are sent to the GL.
Drawers can be assigned to specific categories within the system
- Animal License (If present)
- Miscellaneous Billing
- Site configurable Sub-Categories or bill types within Miscellaneous Billing
- Miscellaneous Revenue
NOTE: If a user is signed into a Drawer that is limited to specific category, they will only be able collect money, and access program options for that Category.