Column Options
- Previous Year Adopted Budget (On by default)
- Previous Year Adjusted Budget (Off by default)
- Previous Year Charged (On by default)
- 2 Years Ago Adjusted Budget (Off by default)
- 2 Years Ago Charged Budget (Off by default)
- Projected Charged (Off by default)
- Department Request (On By Default)
- Recommended (On by Default)
- % Change (On by Default)- NOTE: If the Recommended column is ON, this column will be based on the recommended column. Otherwise, it will be based on Department Request.
- Short Explanation (Off by Default): This is a column that you can use for public readability to describe the type of charges this account budgets for. Typically used for O/E Accounts. To include this column, you must use the Reference on the Accounts sub-schedule to enter this description. (See highlighted line below)
Include Summary Section Options:
You can uncheck all options under “Include” and only check the “Include Summary Sections” to get budget wide summary reports. Some options are only available when on the Budget Summary Tab.
Below is an example of S&W Summary.
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