- Click “Save Yearli File”, “Save IRIS file”, or “Generate IRS FIRE File” (at the bottom).
- Upon clicking the Yearli File button, you will be asked if you want to include joint state information. After answering the question, the file will open in Microsoft Excel.
- Save the file and upload to Yearli, following their website’s directions.
- Upon clicking the IRIS File button, you will be asked if you want to include joint state information. After answering the question, the file will open in Microsoft Excel.
- You must re-save the file as a “CSV” file type. Change it from an Excel worksheet, to a CSV file.
- IN EXCEL: Go to FILE, then choose SAVE AS. Use the dropdown menu to choose CSV as the file type, then click SAVE.

A new window will open, titled “1099 Electronic filing.”

If this information is not accurate or complete, you will get the message below.

- Once ready, click “Print Report.”
- Click “Generate IRS File.”
- Select the 1099 types you want to include in the file.
- For only “Selected Vendors”, choose the bottom button- “Generate IRS File (Selected Vendors).
- Check off the vendors you need, then click ok.
- Upon completion, the system will ask you to choose where to save the file.
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