Tax Sale with Real Auction

Go into the Municipal Information file and set up your tax sale.

Select “F6” Municipal Info and enter your password.

Select 2 for interest and grace.

Select 2 Tax Sale Information.

Select 1 for edit, enter the starting tax sale number such as “1” then press <enter> , when creating certs it will append this number to the four digit year you are having the sale in e.g. 2015-001 if you selected “1” for your starting number.

Enter the number of letters you will be sending to the home owner then press <enter> , next enter the costs per letter as a whole number e.g. “25.00” then press <enter>.

Enter the date of your tax sale with out slashes e.g. July 17 2015 as 71715 December 13, 2015 as 121315 then press <enter>.

Next select your cost of sale code from the drop down menu, I this case the cost of sale is number “15”.

If your 50 day last has been printed and you need to collect the cost of sale select “Y” for 50 day list printed and press <enter>.

Your cursor should be back at the starting tax sale number and the screen should look like the one below, at this point you can press <enter> and then select “8” for exit, this will save the information on the screen.

Exit out of the municipal information file by selecting “8” for exit until you are back at the key prompt.



If you need to print a “50 list” select F3 Work sheet, select your printer and fill in the form the year and date should be listed for you if you filled in the tax sale information correctly in step 1. Press <enter> for the year (or enter the two digit year), <enter> for the date (or enter the date 71715), enter the amount waved as a whole number e.g. 25.00, <enter> and either (Y/N) for current year interest <enter>.

Next select “F7 Tax Sale File” this creates an electronic copy of your “50 day list” and allows you to view it in the “Tax Sale Day” application, you fill in the form the same way you do for the 50 day list but there is no printing or current year interest option.

Select “F4 Tax Sale Day” and you will see the first record that is up for tax sale.

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