- Bring up the Block and Lot.
- Press “V” to bring up the Void Menu
- Choose the transaction line you wish to void. In this case we will choose transaction number “6” and press “Enter”.
Note: The system will handle voids based on date and deposit ticket they were originally entered. There may be several pages of transactions so don’t forget “Page Down” and “Page Up” will cycle through them.
- As you can see ALL transactions for 3/30/17 on deposit ticket 142 are in red and you are asked what date you want to process the void for. We will use 4/15/17 as our date in this example. And you will be asked if you want to update this record. If yes press “Y” if no press “N”.
- You will be brought back to the main Block and Lot screen. From here you can verify what you did by looking at the transactions by pressing “4” for Detail then “1” for transaction format.
- You can now press “8” to exit twice and it will bring you back to the main screen and you can add any and all appropriate fees if applicable.