Create a Cash Receipt Entry

  • Click the Receipts tab.
  • Enter the appropriate account numbers, descriptions, and amounts.

** The Basic View feature allows you to enter only the non-cash account(s). When using Basic View the default cash account for the fund will be debited automatically. To make a deposit to an account other than the default cash account, click the three dots (shown as ““) in the Deposit Into search bar, and select the cash account to use**

  • (Optional) Add a description in the box next to the Deposit Info.

  • Add a vendor (if required) by using the vendor lookup at the top of the screen – click the and search for the vendor by number or name.
  • You might need to pick a vendor if the deposit is a refund from a vendor who gets a 1099.  This would adjust the amounts off their 1099.

  • When finished, click the Post button at the bottom of the Receipts Journal page to record the entry.