Click Settings on the top menu bar, thenchoose System Email Settings.
You will need the following information:
Outgoing (Mail) SMTP server
Auth Method (typically START_TLS)
Email Address
Choose which delivery method to use.
Email directly from the user’s PC (Recommended)
This option relays instant feedback as to success or failure of the email process.
Allows email on demand from the PO screen.
Can be self-configured.
Slower for issuing large quantities of POs
Email from the Server as a Batch.
Stores the emails on the server to be sent as a batch later. End user will not necessarily know if there were email issues unless they check the issue log.
Better for very high volume (over 200 issued at a time)
Does not allow for issue on demand emailing from the PO screen.
MSI must configure.
Requires the Web/Requisition System.
ClickEdit Message Body for PO Emails.
This is the body of the email message that the POs will be attached to (sent as a PDF).
The Email Subject will be:“PO from Town/City/County Attached“