- Selecting Drawer/Batch will populate the following screen.
- To create a new invoice, select the Simple Invoice icon on the toolbar or the larger icon in the middle of the screen
- To create a new statement, select the New Statement icon on the toolbar or the larger icon in the middle of the screen.
All bills can be created as an invoice.
Statements don’t have to be created unless referenced by user for ongoing bills.
- To search for an existing invoice or statement, use the tan bar towards the top of the page, to search by Load Bill #, Find Bill by Customer, or Find By Description.
To run a report, select the appropraite icon for the desired report under the Reports tab.
- Selecting the yellow Invoice Listing tab on the right of the screen will open a sidebar that will allow the user to view and search invoices.
- To view the Drawer/Batch’s current activity, select the yellow Open Activity tab at the bottom left of the screen.
- To verify which Drawer is in use check the black box in the bottom right corner.