Enter Appeals Manually

  • Bring up the B&L.
  • Select 5=Adj
  • Select 2 Cty Appeal press <enter>, enter the New Assessment press <enter> (for this example original is 339000 New Assessment is 300000) The total Adjusted will be calculated for you (the date will be entered when you finish the adjustment).
  • You can split the 966.81 between the 3rd and 4th if you wish or the whole amount can be put in the 4th. I recommend splitting 3rd and 4th. (you have to divide the 966.81 by 2 yourself)
  • Press <enter> till you get to the 3rd Q and type in 483.41, press <enter> the remainder will automatically be placed in the 4th and press <enter>.
  • If you want the 1st half of 2016 adjusted answer “Y” to Adjust 1st 1/2 Billing (Y/N)
  • Press <enter> to exit the adjustment screen.

Note: (the 3rd and 4th quarters) The 1st 1/2 is changed but you will not see an adjustment since its just preliminary billing.