Enter Subsequent Lien Payments

Note: This process is for Outside Lien Holders Only

Bring up the B&L

Select “L” (L=Lien Record) from the action line, press <enter> for action line options. If there are no subsequent payments for the current year a blank record will be displayed.

Select 1=Establish New Lien or Municipal Charge Record, answer “Y” to create a record.

Next select “S” for Subsequent lien, enter the cert number e.g. (2015-001) press <enter>.

Next enter the payment date e.g. (11/1/15) as 110115, next the tax amount should appear in the tax field, if not enter the tax amount (just tax no interest) press <enter>.

Next enter the interest amount should appear, if not enter the interest due press <enter>.

If you have any non tax municipal charges you can enter them next, lets assume you do not have any municipal charges, just press <enter>.

Next enter the interest rate for this subsequent payment.

The lien holders name should have automatically been added to the sub based on the cert number, if not enter the lien holders information press <enter>.

Enter any search fees (if any), press <enter>.

Enter any other fees (if any), press <enter>.

If you have already posted the payment to the tax record answer N to Do you want automatic posting to post the payment, if you have not posted the payment answer “Y”.

NOTE: Answering yes will post a payment to the tax record as you doing 1 for post on the main tax record.

When finished, you will see a record similar to the following:

If you said yes for automatic posting, you would see a corresponding transaction on the main tax record. Type 4 for detail and 1 for transaction listing.