Positive Pay File

Generate a Positive Pay File

  • Click on Checks on the top menu bar.
  • Select Generate Positive Pay File.
  • The Generate Positive Pay File dialog will open.
  • Enter the Checking Account Number or press the magnifying glass to browse for the account.
    • Select the Fund and Cash Account.
  • Enter a check date or select a range of check numbers.
  • Click Generate Void Check File or Generate Positive Pay File.

Save a Positive Pay File After Printing Checks

  • After Printing Checks, the program prompts to save a positive pay file.
  • Click Yes.
  • Name the file and decide where you want to save it. If the bank needs the file as a text file, type “.txt “after the file name before you save it.

To select or change a file format, continue to the next page.